Saturday, July 31, 2010

Moldova Saturday, July 31, 2010...

Left San Antonio at 8am Friday and arrived in Moldova at 7pm Sat. The time here is 8 hrs ahead of TX. We were delayed in Chicago 2hrs after we had boarded our 747 double decker plane due to cargo distribution issues but those were finally resolved and we soared away. No problem finding our teammates in Frankfurt as we saw them enjoying lunch as we looked down through big windows above them. The blue team shirt was spotted from quite a distance. Flight to Moldova was delayed for an hr. on the tarmac but I wasn't awake to know why. We arrived safely and were very thrilled to discover that ALL of our checked bags and boxes arrived with us!!! We were stopped at customs and asked what was in our boxes but my letter with list of contents of each box and my verbal description satisfied the agent within a few moments and we were all waved through with nothing being questioned nor opened!!! That is for sure an answer to prayer!

Four other team members had arrived earlier so our welcome supper was around the large oval dining table as the 12 of us shared all together for the first time! We are a team of many ages but all excited about this adventure we're now sharing at the site for which we've been preparing for a long time.

Breakfast at 7:45, Jesus Savior Baptist Church from 9-11, lunch, some unpacking and our first trip to camp lies ahead of us for tomorrow. Right now our smiles are wide, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to God for his protection and provision and our spirits are high in anticipation of the joy and privilege we're already having.

Looking forward to updating this blog daily as our week unfolds. You are an important part of our team as you continue to share with us through prayer. We love you and depend on you.

1 comment:

Marge B. said...

Thank-you God for answering our prayers for watching over the team
as they traveled to Moldova. And thank-you, too, for the complete arrival of all the bags & boxes!

Your word says:
"The Lord will keep you from all
He will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your
coming and going
both now and forevermore."
(Psalm 121:7,8)

I pray that You would give the team a good rest this weekend, so they would be ready for the week before them. Continually draw them close to each other, in You.

"May the God who gives endurance
and encouragement give them a
spirit of unity among themselves
as they follow Christ Jesus."
(Rom 15:5)

In Jesus Name, Amen

Could you include the first names
of all 12 team members? I'd like to
pray for them by name. Let me know
your specific prayers requests.

Thanks for the wonderful update!