Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moldova Mission Trip 2011 #6...

Gazebo Time starts with drama depicting preparation for a special guest - as John the Baptist prepared for Jesus Christ.

Girls ages 13-16 do choral reading of Mark 1:1-8, Matt. 3:13-17, John 1:12

Diane with translator, Anna, begin to prepare girls ages 10-12 for Jesus' birth drama on Friday.

Lined up for ice cream treat Thursday afternoon.

John and LaVerne distribute ice cream treat - no complaints and lots of Thank-you's! (in Romanian)

Cherishing special moments and conversations with these precious girls we sponsor.

Gloria from China visiting with Regina and LaVerne! 

The Prophet Isaiah and John and Baptist

Rapt attention (most of the time) and participation in fun songs.

Alex holds microphone as actors speak their lines.

Rick and his guys

Packing gift bags for our last day tomorrow!  Notice the bags of socks!!!  Thanks to Kerrville friends.

It is past my bedtime but there was lots to do after supper this evening to prepare for our last day at the camp tomorrow morning. But those things are done and I'll pop into bed as soon as I update this blog.

It has been an amazing day and I won't take time with all the datails now as I need some sleep.

Great singing, reciting memorized memory verses, sharing dramas, Bible stories, activities and time. The day has flown by as has the week and we're now about to have our last time at the camp with all these adorable, active and wide-eyed children and adults. My small group time has been spent with the adult teachers and staff of the camp and they have been attentive and open to the scripture and discussions.

Just before lunch, I was helping with an activity called Gazebo Prep. Diane takes the lead so I wasn't presently engaged when a young woman approached me and introduced herself as Gloria from China. She and a few other University students from all over the world are in Moldova to help in camps. We started talking and before long she was telling me that she was not with a christian organization but she was very interested in Christianity. I continued to ask some questions and this girl eagerly shared how much she wanted to know more about the Bible and Jesus. She had met some Moldovans who were part of CERI here and had gone to a church and a baptism. She said at the Baptism she felt she just wanted to be baptized. She said she wanted to be a Christian but she didn't know how to become one. She listened as I explained and said she was ready to repent if I would tell her how she could. We were somewhat in the midst of activity so we moved to a quieter spot. I looked into her eyes, took her hands and led her in the sinner's prayer. She said, "I feel this is a holy moment!" I told her it was. About the time, the rest of her team said it was time to go so we hugged and she left saying she would be back. She returned later in the day and talked to others on our team as well.
Many seeds have been planted, watered and the harvest was today!!

As time for her to leave arrived, she found me for another hug. I asked if she had had a good day and she answered, "This has been the best day of my life?"

It was a holy moment and to have been part of God's plan for Gloria has me filled with joy and gratitude.

Rick spent the last day with his boys today as he will visit a future camp opportunity tomorrow. He shared the salvation story today and asked anyone interested in repenting to talk to him afterward. One boy did and the angels had another opportunity to rejoice in heaven today.

These moments are possible because you are praying and because God chooses to use fallible, ordinary humans to share His truth and His offer is irresistible in His perfect time.

Will return tomorrow evening to update about our time here. This kingdom work is exhausting but words are inadequate to share the joy I've had today and this week!

1 comment:

Marge B. said...

Dear Team,

Your journal today brings tears to my eyes, in praise to God for His wonderous works. I rejoice with you from afar....yet I feel so connected with you all in the bond of Christ.

"Praise the Lord, you His angels,
you mighty ones who do His
bidding, who obey His word.

Praise the Lord, all His
heavenly hosts,
you His servants who do
His will.

Praise the Lord, all His works
everywhere in His dominion.

Praise the Lord, O my soul."
(Psalm 103:20-23)

Rest well chosen ones. God is well pleased & is rejoicing with you!