Friday, January 9, 2015

A Garden which Proclaims that God Exists...

I let blog posts lapse for much of the past year but this is one I must prepare and post even though it features photos taken from late October through the month of November - 2014.

It was a beautiful fall in the canyon where I work part-time as a hostess at Laity Lodge.  Following the relentless heat and drought of summer, fall unfolded in brilliant color which boasted eloquently and modestly in God's rich and glorious voice of praise.  Dimming sunlight brought forth autumn shades which joined the wealth of greens to provide glorious panoramas that delighted observant eyes and hearts.
Here are some of the photos I took on the 1,900 acre property 

Along the Frio River...
As one leaves the river and arrives at Laity Lodge, 
the following are scenes around the main buildings.  
Bookstore, dining room, Great Hall and the hostess office out of site on the left.  Lodge rooms beyond the fountain.
Nestled between the dining room and the Great Hall of Laity Lodge, is a lovely, sloping garden with an inviting rock stairway connecting the upper level with the library and its deck overlooking the Frio River. I'll share overview photos first...

This garden is beautiful at all times of the year, but I couldn't resist capturing the golden pathway as leaves fell and paved the winding stairway with gentle brightness.  And though the poem by Thomas Edward Brown, 1830 - 1897, has been there for quite some time, I hadn't stopped to read and ponder the words until I was drawn in by the golden gleam of autumn's palate this past November. 


 As one continues down the rockway, the following is seen with another poem speaking words of beauty and truth 
at the bottom of the path.
Just to the left of this spot is the next plaque...
I post these photos of natural beauty and the plaques in order to share the joy I experienced this past fall as I took time to see through my lens and my heart into some of the ways in which God communicates with mankind.  His voice is heard through the wonder of nature and the carefully chosen poetic words which call our mind to thoughtful introspection and decision.  There is truth being spoken with quiet beauty which is able to winsomely draw a soul to help and wholeness.  It can be overlooked and missed but such are the options for each of us.
Psalm 19: 1-4a
The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
 Day after day they pour forth speech; 
night after night they display knowledge.  
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  
Their voice goes out into all the earth, 
their words to the ends of the world.

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