Saturday, July 4, 2015

Safe Travels All the Way Home...

We arrived at our home a little after midnight earlier today to find everything exactly as we'd left it 2 weeks ago.  That was a welcome way to arrive home even if we were very tired after a long day of travel which had been uneventful.  We were able to sleep some on flights.  We crawled into bed with hearts filled with gratitude.  We awoke mid morning with many thoughts about our trip which continued the feelings of deep gratitude we have for all the ways we were guided and sustained by God.   We experienced his strength which was sufficient for our work. 
Flay flying at our home in TX on July 4, 2015
Since it is the 4th of July, I hung the flag as soon as I awakened.  I am thankful for what that flag stands for and I'm extremely thankful for all who serve or who have served in order for our nation to remain free and protected.  God has given our nation honorable, wise founders and many others who have led our country with selfless distinction.  May many more men and women be elected to lead whose choices will represent the values established by our forefathers in our Constitution.  With wisdom from our divine Creator, this can be so.

The day is ending.  We've watched our town's fireworks from the street in front of our home.  We live part way up a hill and it has become tradition to stand with neighbors to view the fireworks which shoot high above the trees in our area.  Well done again this year.

Thanks for all prayers that have been offered on behalf of our team as we have prepared for and carried out the 2015 Mission Trip to Moldova.  May there be fruit from the seeds we planted which will continue to bring honor and glory to God for generations that last until the end of time on this earth.  We know God is faithful and will be at work to draw people to Himself. 

My heart is overflowing with joy because God has chosen to use me again this summer in the little country of Moldova.  I love that land and its dear people. 

There is an open invitation to return next summer with another team.  Stay tuned.  God may want you to be part of a team in 2016. 

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