Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Josephine, Woman Who Had Bled For 12 Years - An Easter Monologue...

To learn more about the original purpose for writing these monologues, 
see the blog posted on  March 3, 2016  


The tomb IS empty!  It IS true!  On my way to the temple this morning, I learned that something has happened which has created great excitement in Jerusalem today.  It is being reported that there's been a resurrection from the dead - Jesus of Nazareth has risen from the dead!  I decided I just had to come here for myself and make sure Jesus' grave really was empty.  You see, I am Josephine, the woman who was ill for 12 years with hemorrhaging.  He miraculously healed me one day and I just knew he really was the Messiah, the Anointed One of Israel. There have been many things I wanted to tell him, so I have written him a letter.  Let me read it to you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

John, Beloved Disciple, Brother of James - An Easter Monologue...

To learn more about the original purpose for writing these monologues, 
see the blog posted on  March 3, 2016  

The tomb IS empty! It IS true! I was here earlier this morning after the women brought us the news of the resurrection, but I wanted to come back - to spend some time alone to contemplate the wonder of this day. You see, I am John, the beloved friend of Jesus and brother of James. After being here earlier today, I decided to put some of my thoughts into a letter to Jesus. There are so many things I've always wanted to say to Him.

Dear Jesus, my friend,
I recall so clearly that day three years ago as James and I were fishing with our dad and you came by and called us to follow you. We never hesitated a moment - we were eager to join you, Peter and Andrew in whatever adventure was about to take place.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Eva, Woman Caught In Adultery - An Easter Monologue...

To learn more about the original purpose for writing these monologues, 
see the blog posted on  March 3, 2016  

The tomb IS empty! It IS true! As I was hanging out my laundry this morning, Maria from across the street came to tell me the good news that Jesus had come back to life. A number of people had seen and talked to him. I was so excited when I heard it. I just knew something miraculous like that would happen to him. But I really wanted to see for myself - to make sure this was not just someone's hallucination. What Jesus did for me, was so remarkable that words hardly begin to express my gratitude. You see, I am Eva, the woman caught in the act of adultery and brought before Jesus. I have always wanted an opportunity to thank him for what he did for me that day so I've written him a letter.

Dear Jesus, my rescuer,
This letter in many ways is not going to be easy for me to write. I am now a changed person but I am a woman with a shameful past. I cannot defend my former behavior but I do want to explain some things and let you know what a tremendous difference you have made in my life.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

James, Brother of Jesus - An Easter Monologue...

 To learn more about the original purpose for writing these monologues, 
see the blog posted on March 3, 2016. 

The tomb IS empty! It IS true! The news was brought to our home earlier today and mom is so thrilled but the rest of us don't really know what to think. You see, I am James, the brother of Jesus. Our family has been together since Jesus' death on Friday. There have been so many things to talk about, so many feelings we have. This crucifixion has been really difficult for all of us but especially me because I was closest in age to Jesus. I have been trying to be the brave big brother but it hasn't been easy. You see, I have a lot of questions about who Jesus really is. But let me read you a letter I've written to him. There are so many things I want to say to him.

Dear Jesus, My brother,
The news came to us earlier today that your grave was found empty this morning. Some are saying that there's been a resurrection; that you have come back to life. Several of the women even claim they've seen you. They also seem to think they've talked to you and some angels. I really don't know what to think. I wish I were able to sort this out in my head and know for certain whether or not you really are the Messiah you claimed to be. I was so positive until this morning that I had the truth about you and now I am completely confused.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Martha, Sister of Lazarus and Mary - An Easter Monologue...

To learn more about the original purpose for writing these monologues, 
see the blog posted on March 3, 2016. 

Dear Jesus, the Raiser of the dead,
You have made such a difference in my life. I can't imagine where I  would be today if it weren't for you and your willingness to confront me about the things that are really important in life. Do you remember that day that you and your twelve apostles were passing through Bethany

Friday, March 4, 2016

Peter, The Big Fisherman and a Disciple of Jesus - An Easter Monologue...

To learn more about the original purpose for writing this monologue, 
see the blog posted on March 3, 2016. 

The tomb is empty! It IS true! I was here earlier this morning after the women brought me the news of Jesus' resurrection but I wanted to come back for a few moments by myself. You see, I am Peter, a close friend of Jesus. I have mixed emotions as I stand here this morning. I am thrilled that He is alive! This is more wonderful news than anything I could ever imagine, but, I also have a heaviness in my heart. I have not been a faithful friend - but let me explain what I mean in a letter I've written to Jesus. There are so many things I've always wanted to say to Him - perhaps you'll understand more clearly after you hear what I have written.

Dear Jesus, my friend;
Three years ago when my brother Andrew came to me with the news that he had found the Messiah, I followed him immediately to you. You asked us to leave our fishing career and follow you so that you could make us fishers of men. I had no idea at that time what was coming down the pike, but the commercial fishing business was getting pretty boring and following you seemed exciting and adventurous. I always liked excitement and adventure! And have things ever been exciting and adventurous since I decided to follow you?!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mary, the Mother of Jesus - an Easter Monologue...

Within the past few days, I received an email request asking permission to use the 
Easter Monologues in an Easter service this year which I had written 19 years ago.  
Because of that request, I will again post these timeless monologues on my blog.  
I begin with an explanation of why they were composed originally. 

I am willing for these to be used to glorify the Lord.

My family and I hosted a family reunion weekend during the celebration of Easter 19 years ago. As I prepared events for that weekend, I knew that the Sunday morning worship service should reflect our family's commitment to Biblical truth. I also knew that it would be best if preparation for the service could take place in advance so that our focus that weekend could be on enjoying time with all the family members who would be gathering from all parts of the country as well as at least one from overseas. I pondered the fact that the Bible tells the story of people who actually saw the empty tomb and came to believe in Christ's resurrection and his divinity because of it. But 2000 years later, others believe in Jesus' resurrection based on the Biblical account of the empty tomb.

I decided that our beliefs could be conveyed through a drama. I would compose "Letters to Jesus" written by someone who could actually have gone to the tomb that first Easter to see that the grave was empty. I could also compose another "Letter to Jesus" from a present day person who had chosen to believe because of trusting the truth of scripture.

Members of my immediate family became the actors who portrayed the Biblical character who wrote a letter to Jesus upon learning of the resurrection. The actor read the letter to those gathered, removed their costume and became themselves - a present day believer who also wanted to read a letter they'd written to Jesus in order to convey personal gratitude for what he meant to them.

I selected seven Biblical characters; some of whom I gave a name because their Biblical story does not include a personal name. For our worship event that Easter Sunday morning, we used five performers.

My heart is filled with gratitude as I contemplate the immense sacrifice made by Jesus on my behalf. I am not worthy of forgiveness but my life has been changed because I have received that free gift which was made possible by Christ's death. I will be posting the "Letters to Jesus" on this blog over the next week. We begin with:


The tomb IS empty! It IS true! As soon as I heard the news of the resurrection, I just had to come here and see for myself. I was so afraid it was a trick; someone's imagination. You see, I'm Mary, Jesus' mother. If you're a mother you can probably imagine how I've been feeling since last Friday, what with the crucifixion and all but now - THIS. I could hardly believe it when I heard it. I just had to come and check for myself and see if the tomb really was empty. I want to read something to you. I've written a letter to my son which I hope to give him later today. He is busy with Peter and John and the others, I know, but I'm sure there will be a moment when we can be together for a few minutes. I can't wait to see him and once again give him a hug.