Thursday, July 31, 2008

Night before we leave for Moldova

I had hoped to write a much longer note but there have been so many things to get done in order to be ready to leave for Moldova. As far as I know, our team is packed and ready. We will be leaving from our church at about 8am tomorrow morning. Our team had booked 18 people but there were medical emergencies for 2 individuals and that resulted in 3 people canceling. One gal broke an ankle requiring surgery and another gal developed a constricted bowel also requiring surgery. All of us are deeply saddened with this loss but we are confident that God will take care of His work during this time and the rest of us are ready to be part of His plan for Moldova 2008. We have several team members flying from other cities of the US so we won't all meet until we arrive in Frankfurt, Germany. We are hoping that our matching turquoise t-shirts will help us spot each other in that large airport. We learned today of another team with plans to go to Moldova to work in a camp. Unfortunately, their camp was flooded and has been canceled. At least one of the members of that team will join us as her ticket from her home in England could not be refunded. She is already scheduled for the same flight from Frankfurt to Chisinau, Moldova and the same dates in country. Isn't God amazing? We are thrilled.

I have a few more things to organize and get into my carry-on so I will sign off for now. Hopefully this will be available to me at the Team House in Moldova and I will continue to give you updates.

Keep praying for us - we'll be needing and depending on those prayers.


Declaring His Glory said...

Linda, I'm praying for you! I'm so glad you set this up and excited for you today. God bless you and please, remember to give us specific ways to pray!

Love you!


Marcus Goodyear said...

We wish you the best on your trip! And actually, I thought the length of this post was perfect. I look forward to the updates.