Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moldova 2011 Memory Part 1...

One afternoon during January, 2011, I heard a man reading scripture on a local radio station.  The scripture being read was Luke 8: 26 - 39.  I have written other blog posts about this passage.  The key words which Jesus spoke to the former demoniac in this passage and it seemed he was speaking to me were these:
  • “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.”

Today I begin a story which seems to be a fresh example of what God has done for me.

Moldova Team 2011
My story begins during the preparation phase for my seventh August trip to Moldova with a team of people in order to provide programming at a camp for children from an orphanage in Chisinau, the capitol of Moldova.

I have been pondering the Luke 8 passage often this year.  It has seemed as though God wants me to be bold in my witness for Him and this scripture has allowed me to see his expectation in a form I felt I could embrace without fear.  Couldn't I "tell how much God has done for me?"  I don't have the story which the demoniac has but that's the freeing part of these words.  I get to tell my story not someone else's story. 

So preparation for the trip was underway.  I'm quite sure that Jesus' commission in Matthew 28: 18-21
was on everyone's mind.  It's a given that the purpose of our trips is to
  1. go
  2. make disciples of all nations
  3. baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
  4. teach them to obey everything I have commanded you
and do this knowing that Jesus promised "Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."

Teaching precious children

We prepared each year for this international trip so that we would be ready to teach these precious children and adults about Jesus as we sought to disciple them.  Our wide open welcome to share Jesus' truth, love and hope was an opportunity we did not wish to squander.  

Meeting with precious adults...

Fun games...

And we grew each year in our boldness to share His words ...

...alongside fun games, crafts and activities.

fun crafts...

But my years of participation had not been blessed with a specific opportunity to have a conversation with someone who would become part of Jesus' harvest.  I was actively planting and watering the seed planted in hearts there.  So I decided this year to pray and ask that if it would be God's will, could I and our team be part of his harvest?  

The story of his answer to this prayer will continue another day.

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